Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Break Readings

The best thing about winter break post Christmas is having time for simple pleasures: napping, sipping tea, and reading. And large chunks of time, not those desperate, frenzied cat naps, or quick snatches of a few pages of my book in between classes or a few minutes in bed before I just can't fight my drooping eyelids any longer. Mmm. Love it.

So what I have been reading these past few days is Harry Potter (yes, I am just now making my way through the series for the first time) mixed with breaks for Flannery O'Connor short stories.

About my H.P. experience. I am now on book three and am finally at the point where I can't wait to have a chance to go back and read it. My good friend Lauren who is an adorably unashamed Harry Potter nerd was flabbergasted when I told her earlier last summer that I had not read any of the series. Truth be told, I wasn't allowed to read the books when they first debuted because my parents were highly suspicious of the wizard-sorcery theme and the affect it could have on their wide-eyed, impressionable first-born. Once I got older, I figured the Harry Potter was a train I missed and moved on to greater literature without any desire to discover what millions of readers had found so enticing...supposing that it was merely a passing fad that would eventually die out. However, being around Lauren and several other friends my age who grew up with Harry Potter and still hold a tenacious fascination for the series, I realized that this was no passing fad and.....yes. Peer pressure got to me. Lauren, enthusiastic to share her love with me, loaned me the first three last summer, and I decided I would use the summer break to read the entire series. Heh. That didn't happen; I honestly had to force myself to plod through the first one, very disillusioned about Harry Potter's charms and wondering how it could have possibly created such a cultural stir. So, at the end of the summer, I had successfully made it through.....one Harry Potter book. Shameful. However, having borrowed the books from Lauren and knowing she was eagerly waiting to hear how I liked them kept me accountable to press on. I just finished the second novel this past Christmas, in the car on the way to my grandmother's in Charleston. Towards the end of the second book, I felt it. I was finally hooked. I couldn't wait to start Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I am now on page 371 and actually experience EMOTIONS while reading it, and each time I set it down I look forward to when I can pick it back up again.

Cliche, yes.

But I am also somewhat relieved that I can finally relate to the rest of fellow mankind in this way. That I will no longer have no idea what people are talking about when they say things like, "That old man reminds me of Dumbledore," or "Ten points to Gryffindor!" I arrived late to the conversation, for sure. I don't think I will ever be able to take part as enthusiastically as others, partly because I am not entitled due to not having grown up with Harry Potter, and partly because even though reading the series is enjoyable now for me, it would never be among my list of favorites. But at least I can check this off my list and not have to wonder any more.

Thursday, December 22, 2011



It is just a word.

Yet just hearing this word stirs in me something real, a cord that quivers, a quickening of my heart. This, followed by a quietness of my soul, a knowing restfulness that sees the "dawn of redeeming grace." That may have become just a phrase in a Christmas hymn that is sung countless times year upon year...yet for me it is a reality.

Jesus, Lord at his birth.

A group of shepherds were startled by a proclamation of this hope, when one night the sky exploded with light and shouts of a heavenly host pouring out praise to the King interrupted the shepherds' mundane, hope-less night. Though I have yet to see the sky filled with angels (perhaps I never will), their light, which comes from their and my King, has penetrated my heart and its beams prick my soul daily with a reminder of


Friday, December 9, 2011


Today I drove with my lovely mom and sister down to Charleston to help my Grandmother decorate her house for Christmas. It was such a source of delight to be elves for a couple hours and transform the house into the cheery holiday residence I always look forward to visiting at Christmas. My aunt Mary came over to join us for lunch and we enjoyed sitting around the kitchen table gabbing about people and books and fashion advice like a gaggle of Southern women at a tea party.

And now I bid you adieu with:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

two music suggestions that are a sure fire way to put you in a good mood

First, watch this video and see if it doesn't make you feel like puttin' on your dancin' shoes.


I really just want to be Beyonce. I think trapped inside of me IS a Beyonce.

Also, if you haven't already, go out and BUY (or download your friend's) Michael Buble Christmas album. It is fantastic. First of all, his smooth, modern-day Sinatra voice is perfect, and he does such a great job of keeping the classic Christmas songs traditional (there's my word again!), yet with a little fun updated spin on each of them. I especially like his White Christmas duet with Shania Twain. Who would've thought those two would come together for a duet, much less that song? Brilliant.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Time is here...happiness and cheer...

With the Christmas season well upon us, and just having finished my exams TODAY (hollaaahh), I am happily ready to embrace the season and will undertake to get as many hours of Christmas music, as many Christmas movies, as many trips through the Vista instead of my normal Blossom St/Huger St. route (which I've convinced myself it's faster) because the Vista has the pretty Christmas lights--all as stuffed as I can into these next couple of weeks because it is the BEST time of year! I am an intense clinger to traditions, and so I always struggle with this inner tension that builds up inside me during December from a fear that I will not have enough time to watch every favorite Christmas movie, or drive to see the house with my favorite Christmas lights display, or get to spend as much time down in our basement all by myself contentedly wrapping presents and sipping my tea and listening to my two favorite Christmas cds...and that my Christmas season will not be perfect. May I just take this chance to add, though, that if it weren't for my tenacious grip on all the wonderful traditions of the Christmas season then I don't know WHAT kind of December my why-would-we-watch-Elf-again-we've-seen-it-so-many-times-we-can-quote-the-whole-movie siblings would have. It would be sadly lacking, let me tell you. We HAVE to watch it--and It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas and Christmas Story-- because it's tradition! We have to sit and listen to Mom read Bird's Christmas Carol aloud for the nth year in a row because it's tradition! We have to go to the 7 o'clock Christmas Eve service and not the 5 o'clock because it's tradition! Yes, I know it's common knowledge that tradition is what makes Christmas so wonderful, but my point is that I take it to the extreme. And so I have been gearing myself up beforehand so that I hopefully, prayerfully do not get caught up in the normal stressful tizzy I get myself into.

Lord, quiet my spirit before Your Child this Christmas. Fill me with joy that comes from an understanding of the Salvation that He came to bring.

Another reason I have been contemplative the beginning of this December is because this will be the first Christmas that really is the beginning of "things will never be the same" because my grandfather, Paw-Paw, died last month. He always got so excited about hosting Christmas and having the whole family surrounding him. The minute we would walk in the door his excited grin and enthusiastic "MERRY CHRISTMAS" greeted us first thing...unless his electronic Christmas doormat happened to be working that year and we heard Santa's voice (which until just recently I thought was Paw-Paw's voice recorded) startle us (every time)with "MErrrryyy CHRISTMAS!" Christmas will definitely be quieter this year with just my sweet, gentle Grandmother hosting. He was a fiery extrovert. But such a sweetheart. We will all miss him at Christmas.

Back to tradition. And life in general. We try so hard to keep a tight grasp onto things of this life that we love...so much that we try to replicate wonderful experiences that make us feel warm inside over and over and over. Christmas traditions. But then life messes up our perfectly-constructed plans for a perfect holiday season. Family squabbles. Busyness. People dying. I think this is our Creator quietly reminding us that He is the only thing we can hold on to. I don't have to watch It's a Wonderful Life (actually maybe let's change that to an inferior favorite like Eloise at Christmas...kidding)or go to the 7 o'clock instead of 5 o'clock (But really?? Who wants to go to a candle light service when it's barely dark outside?) Christmas Eve service to be filled with His joy and fall more in love with Him this December.