Monday, July 5, 2010

Piano Art Project

So the other day I was walking with a group through Herald Square in Manhattan and was astounded to see a piano sitting smack dab in the middle of the square. I didn't think too much of it (it IS New York City, after all), but then a few days later when we were going on the Staten Island Ferry I saw another one sitting outside the visitor's center at Staten Island. Intrigued, I asked someone if they could tell me why I'd been seeing pianos randomly placed throughout the city. I was told that it was part of an art project. I decided to find out more about this piano project for myself, and discovered this article explaining that a British artist placed 60 pianos in NYC for anyone who feels so compelled to stop their busy day to plunk some keys. Local artists have decorated many of the pianos.

So delightful! How many different pianos can I stumble upon? I've found three so far, and will continue to post pictures of every new one that I find.

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